Best exercises for surf fitness


Jumping Squats

Just think how many squats you do on one wave. Leg strength is key, especially on longer waves. Having strong legs will help your performance increase your power and maximise every ride.


You can practise your pop up instead as the movements are very similar. Every time you take off is like a giant burpee and requires a huge amount of explosive energy. Smashing out burpees will make you stronger, quicker and establish muscle memory.


Prevent shoulder injury, improve pop up strength and duck dive deeper. Push-ups engage the whole body including the core, all of which are needed in the surf. 

Plank holds

Engage the core, keep your back straight and feel the burn. Maintaining a strong core is essential to surf fitness. Without good core stability or strength, you may develop lower back pain and potential injury at some point whilst surfing.


This is the closest traditional exercise to surfing and a great activity when the waves are flat. swimming is a great way to keep your paddle fitness up, increase your lung capacity, improver endurance and also very low impact on the body so can be down to promote injury recovery